Waltraute (played by Victoria Hill) appears as the head Valkyrie in the TV series Xena: Warrior Princess. She appears in two episodes in 2000, "The Ring" and "Return of the Valkyrie".
Waltraute appears for the first time in "The Ring", where she has assumed the power as head Valkyrie for Odin, displacing Grinhilda (Luanne Gordon). She lives for physical combat and her grim duty as choser of the slain.
Waltraute like the other Valkyries, wears a metal helmet with wings on her head. Her outfit consists of a metal corset which accentuates her breasts. The metal theme continues with with abdominal armor and layers that hang over the shoulders like a football shoulderpads. She wears a greyish skirt, and carries a large sword.
In the episode, "Return of the Valkyrie", Waltraute is especially driven to kill Xena. She attacks Xena on the beach, but Xena refuses to use weapons. Odin arrives in time to put a stop to the fight, ordering Waltraute and the other Valkyries to return to Valhalla. Waltraute is very angry when she recognizes that Odin wants the ring for himself. Odin had promised the ring to her, but now he reveals to her that he does not love her.
Odin orders that Waltraute and the other Valkyries need to protect Xena on her mission to rescue Gabrielle. Waltraute, however, has not abandoned her plan to kill Xena.
Later at the ring of fire, Beowulf, Wiglaf and Xena are attacked by the Valkyries before Xena can free Gabrielle. Xena and Waltraute face off, and Waltraute is able to cut Xena's arm. When Wiglaf tosses Xena a sword, Waltraute throws a dagger into him. She then hits Xena and knocks her down. Xena suddenly returns to herself and Xena kicks Waltraute into the ring of fire, and she slowly burns into nothing.