The Female Villains Wiki

Josefina "Jo" Lupo (Erica Cerra) is a regular character from the SyFy series, Eureka. From Seasons 1-3, she served as the deputy of Eureka, and was in charge of security at Global Dynamics during Season Four. A virtual reality version of Jo appeared as a recurring villainess during the fifth and final season.

The season opener, "Lost," continued from the events of the Season Four finale, "One Giant Leap...," which saw the entire crew aboard the Astraeus Ship disappear. In "Lost," the crew emerges after four years, but the episode ends with the revelation that it had only been a month after the events, and the entire group were placed in a virtual reality simulator by The Consortium, masterminded by Senator Michaela Wen and including Beverly Barlowe. In the alternate reality, Jo is Sheriff Jack Carter's girlfriend, having helped Carter raise Allison Blake's children, Kevin and Jenna, in the four years that Allison was missing.

Two episodes later in "Force Quit," Carter and the real Jo learn about the VRS from Beverly, who defected from The Consortium after Wen killed Dr. Holly Marten, and sent Carter into the VR world to destroy the virtual version of the ship. While replacing Virtual Carter, he encounters Virtual Jo on two occasions, with the second of the two seeing Jo seduce Carter. Jo turned heel in the episode's climax, when she encountered Allison as the virtual world was set to collapse and engaged in a fight with her. The villainess attempted to stop Allison in the quest, and during their battle, the evil Jo taunted Allison and attempted to pull her into the world's abyss in an attempt to kill her, only for Allison to kick Jo off of her and into the void, dissolving her.



  • "Looks like you and I have a problem." (Virtual Jo Lupo's comment to Allison Blake during her villainous turn)
  • "I could keep batting you around like a helpless little mouse, but I am tired of playing with my food." (Virtual Jo's taunt to Allison)