The unnamed Vengeful Wife is the hidden main villainess from Disclosure's music video, Magnets (release date September 29, 2015).
The nameless wife is first shown with her husband at a lavish party, which saw Lorde appear and catch the husband's attention, leading to a tryst. The video suggests that the wife had known about her husband's philandering, yet she is later shown serving a cup of coffee to her husband and fixing his tie. A later scene showed her with a black eye, indicating that the marriage is an abusive one as well.
The final moments of the video show Lorde revealing herself as a villainous hitwoman, as she walks towards the husband with full intent on killing him. In a twist, the wife turned heel during Lorde's reveal, as she was uncovered as the mastermind in the plot to kill her husband. The villainess gave her approval to Lorde when they exchanged glances, and she watched as Lorde killed her husband by shoving him into the pool and setting him on fire. The vengeful wife's fate was not revealed.