The Female Villains Wiki

The unnamed Vampire Bride (Tina Louise) is a villainess from Gilligan's Island's third and final season opener, "Up at Bat" (airdate September 12, 1966). She is the villainess from the episode's dream sequence, which has Gilligan believing that he's become a vampire after being bitten by a bat.

The sequence has Ginger as the vampire wife of Dracula caricature Gilligan, and she informed her husband that a pair of guests (Mr. and Mrs. Howell) have entered their castle. After the count's failed attempt to fly out the window--due to forgetting to change into a bat--the evil vampiress sent her husband to hide in ambush while she lured the guests inside, but not before she disguised the coffin as a twin bed set. The villainess later shows the Howells their sleeping quarters, before leaving to attend to more guests after hearing a knock at the door. The knock came from Inspector Sherlock (Professor) and Colonel Watney (Skipper), who successfully thrash vampire count Gilligan upon encountering him, though the fate of the vampiress isn't revealed in the sequence.


  • Tina Louise appeared later in the season as the evil Eva Grubb in "All About Eva."

