Serena (Charlie Jordan Evans) is the main villainess in British tv show 'Summer In Transylvania'.
Although Serena is the most beautiful in the school she is a mean vampire who enjoys being a bitch. She dislikes Summer and regulary threatens her and the group friends shes in.
Serena tries to make everything difficult for the main characters but often ends up meeting a humiliating defeat such as being recorded screaming whilst an animal has climbined into her clothes for the whole school to laugh at after the footage becomes viral online. In the episode 'Banned' she is put under a spell that makes her body dance around without her controlling it which causes her to get knocked out on two occasions as she flies out the screen. At the ene of episode 7 she finally gets the lead role of the school play only to bail when she has to do a kissing scene. As she goes to run away the screaning Serena is once again KO'd when she trips over and flies out of the door.