The unnamed Redhaired Robot is a hidden villainess from "Stewie Goes for a Drive", episode 10.04 of Family Guy (airdate November 6, 2011). She was the villainess of a cutaway gag within the episode, which had Stewie Griffin watching what a TV announcer described as "the end of a depressing 1970's sci-fi movie starring a guy in a turtle neck".
The film's conclusion began with Adzin (the film's presumed main protagonist) walking with his redhaired colleague into the desert, claiming they had gotten far enough to be safe from "The Corporation". However, shortly after saying that, the woman pointed out a large glass building nearby, which Adzin found was manned entirely of clones of himself. Adzin bemoaned the discovery, believing it meant nothing could be done to stop The Corporation.
At that, the redhaired woman claimed there was only one way to defeat The Corporation: Adzin had to kill himself, holding out a gun for him to use to do so. Believing it to be their only option, Adzin accepted his fate before using his ally's gun to shoot himself in the head, killing himself instantly and splattering his blood onto the woman's face. At that, however, the woman made her villainous reveal by removing her face, revealing herself as a robot. It can also be assumed the evil robot was in league with The Corporation, and had goaded Adzin into committing suicide in order to further the organization's plans.