Beebe Gallini (Abbe Lane) was a snobby lady in the 1970 episode "Mike's Horror-Scope" for the TV series "The Brady Bunch".
Beebe Gallini is a fussy client who is a cosmetic giant. She arrives at the office of Mike Brady (Robert Reed) to have him design her perfume factory. Beebe monopolizes his time disrupting the Brady family activities.
Carol (Florence Henderson) is a little jealous of the time Mike is spending with the new client, and especially, when she thinks back to Mike's horoscope that she read prior to the meeting. It said that Mike would meet a mysterious woman.
Beebe has a reputation for being irresistible to any man she meets. It does appear that Beebe enjoys a little extra attention from her men, such as having Mike kiss her hand. She has a European accent, and a sort of Sofia Loren or Zza Zza Gabor flavor to her. Although Mike can see that Beebe is an exotically beautiful woman, he sees her more as a tempermental client whose expectations, especially in an engineering sense, are unrealistic.
Finally, Beebe visits the Brady home and dictates an impossible design change. While there, the Brady children interrupt the meeting and cause havoc for the spoiled Beebe. First Peter flies his propelled powered air plane, that crashes into the back of Beebe's hair and causes it to come undone. Then Bobby and Cindy run into the living room shooting water guns. Beebe is caught in the crossfire, and Bobby sprays her face with water. Her eye makeup runs down her face, and Cindy points out that she cries black tears.
Beebe has a nervous breakdown, and tells Mike she is going to find a new architect. She leaves the Brady household, and on her way out, Carol is standing on her feathers...possibly on purpose. Beebe is not seen again.