The unnamed Brunette Cook (Linda Park) is the main villainess from "Blue Bloody," episode 4.02 of iZombie (airdate March 5, 2018). She is the personal cook for wealthy dowager Sandy Brinks, who was murdered in the beginning of the episode.
The cook was one of three servants interviewed by Liv Moore and Clive Babineaux, who all referred to Sandy is a kind woman--even though it clearly wasn't true. Sandy was revealed as a cruel and nasty person, and Liv took on Sandy's negative traits after eating her brain (doing so by mixing the brain with a martini). A golf ball gun was the murder weapon, and Liv had a visions of the cook and two other servants practicing with the gun. A later discovery that the three of them were each set to inherit $1 million in the event of Sandy's passing led to the three of them being questioned, with the cook revealing that her son, Alex (who Liv and Clive met earlier), had a heart condition and was in need of an operation.
With help from Vampire Steve, Liv and Clive got the combination to Sandy's safe: 0-8-3-0-1-0. The numbers were revealed as Alex's birthdate, August 30, 2010, and that revealed that his mother created the combination for Sandy. The safe had Sandy's necklace and the will, which gave the cook knowledge about her inheritance, and with that, the cook decided to kill Sandy to get the money for her son's operation, using the aforementioned gun to shoot a golf ball into Sandy's left eye. The villainess was again interrogated by Clive and Liv, who revealed her murderous plan to get enough money for Alex. She stated that she had asked Sandy for $20,000 so she could use underground coyotes to send Alex to Los Angeles, where he would see his father and get the operation, but Sandy refused, leading to the murder. Clive asked the cook to write a confession, but only wrote down an address; telling them to get Alex to that place and she'll confess everything. Clive voiced his concerns due to Seattle being walled because of the zombie infestation, but agreed to do so; after which the villainess was placed in handcuffs and arrested.