The Succubus is the primary antagonist of "Skadi Goes to Hell", a story arc within the long-running comedy adventure webcomic "Skadi" by Katie Rice and Luke Cormican.
At the start of the story, Skadi is killed when her partner/slave Diseasoid accidentally skewers her with the weapons being carried on his back as he stops to smell a flower. Upon arriving at Hell, the first succubus introduces herself and explains that she likes to collect fallen warrioresses for her own "personal uses". Angered, the titular heroine begins to attack her with a nearby legendary sword, but each violent slice of the weapon only causes the succubus to multiply. Overpowered, Skadi falls into a pit where an enormous demonic beast resides. Diseasoid manages to unintentionally kill the beast after (again, accidentally) getting killed himself. The heroic duo manage to escape resurrected, but they are not alone, as the divided succubi surface as well and begin to ravage every female in sight.