The unnamed scientist is the main antagonist of the second story of the 2007 adult web-manga "Tsuyoki na o ane isan ga shin dari ochi tari" (強気なお姉ぃさんが死んだり堕ちたり), aka. "A Strong Sister is Killed and Corrupted" by author Yaiba Kyousuke (刃狂介).
Over the previous two months there had been multiple abduction cases where thirteen females had gone missing. One woman decides to investigate, as her younger sister, Aya, was one of the girls who had disappeared. Her search leads her to a pharmaceutical company, which she stealthily attempts to infiltrate. However, upon reaching "Chemical Research Department #0", situated six floors underground, she mistakenly triggers a booby trap which gives a powerful electric jolt to her body, leaving her temporarily paralyzed. Now alerted to her presence, several of the facility's guards bind her and then take her to Observation Chamber #3.
In the chamber, a woman wearing glasses and dressed in a lab coat comes to greet the heroine. She states that she is the person in charge of the company and remarks on the trouble the heroine encountered while trying to infiltrate such a small room. After the heroine demands to know what is going on, the female pharmaceutical boss simply states that they are developing a new types of drug which acts on the brain, allowing for complete and total mind control. She explains that the drug takes effect very quickly and that all evidence of it's existence disappears without anyone noticing. She continues by saying that for male test subjects, she was able to use vagrants and bums, but for females, doing so was not an available option. The heroine takes that statement as a confession to the abductions and demands to know where she is keeping Aya.
The scientist callously mentions that they refer to her simply as "thirteen" here, and summons the girl to the chamber. Relieved to see her sister alive, the heroine asks if she is all right. However, Aya, in a trance-like state, does not respond. Angrilly, the heroine asks the woman what she's done to her. The scientist mentions that the girl has been their first success, as the past kidnapped females either died in agony or mutilated their bodies in a violent frenzy. She then snaps her fingers, which triggers Aya to immediately undress and begin masturbating.
Having divulged enough details, the scientist has the heroine injected with triple the concentration of the drug, adding that she's excited to see what will happen. She then uses her fingers to anally stimulate Aya, which causes the girl to become a futanari. The heroine desperately tries to resist at first, but succumbs to the drug and its lustful side effects within ten minutes.
The heroine and Aya have intense sexual intercourse over the span of three days, with the former ultimately ripping the long and phallic clitoris off of the latter. The final page features the scientist having a phone conversation with an unnamed and unseen government minister, who was able to win reelection due to her mind control drug. It is revealed that this person is actually the one who sent the heroine there to investigate; providing yet another guinea pig to be experimented on. The scientist then assures the minister that each of the two sisters will be ground up and disposed of the following day.
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Full gallery: The Scientist (A Strong Sister is Killed and Corrupted)