The Female Villains Wiki

The unnamed Snoring Man's Wife (Christina Jennings) is the villainess of the 15-second short horror film, Snapped! (released in 2018). The film opened with the woman lying in bed with her husband, visibly irritated by his loud snoring.

After unsuccessfully attempting to block out the noise, the wife turned heel by rolling on top of her husband and smothering him with her pillow, with the husband's attempts to fight against his deranged wife failing. After her husband suffocated to death, the evil blonde looked at his deceased body with a disdainful look before going back to her side of the bed, smiling as she prepared to go to sleep.


  • The Snoring Man's Wife shares similarities with an unnamed villainess from the 15-second horror film, Snorken; both are women who kill their husbands due to becoming annoyed by their snoring. A slight difference is that Snapped!'s villainess kills her husband directly, while Snorken's villainess does not.



Snapped! - Short Film (15 seconds)
