Scuba Girl (no name given in the comic) appeared in episode "Sea Dragon" (1977) of James Bond comic strip, written by Jim Lawrence, art by Yaroslav Horak.
Because she isn't referenced by name in the comic, and her first and most significant appearance in the story is when she was caught scuba-diving on an assassination mission, i will call her Scuba Girl.
Scuba Girl is a henchgirl and main assassin in the service of Magda Mather, president of ostensibly women-lib organisation „She Unlimited“, but in reality evil businesswoman who are setting up murders of several businessmen with an aim to buy their shares in a big oil company.
The Story[]
James Bond arrives (using a back-pack helicopter) on a yacht of Sir Ivor Morlock, oil businessman who is on a fishing trip on Caribbean Sea with his girlfriend and a servant. Bond informed Sir Ivor that Ministry of Defence believes that someone is going to try to kill him and urges him to sail back to Nassau. Sir Ivor refused to go back, expressing his belief that no danger threatens him on sea. Bond is about to fly off with his device when Sir Ivor announced that he caught something and pulled his fishing rod. To his surprise, instead of fish caught on a hook is young woman with scuba tank on her back, wearing nothing save pair of panties and diving fins. Struggling in the water to free herself off the hook, she lost conscience and is pulled on board of the yacht. After regained her conscience (after some first aid by Bond) she instantly became very rude to Mr Ivor (who asked her what she was doing so far from land) and starts hastily to put on her scuba tank, mask and fins, preparing to go back in water. Her sudden haste and repulsive behaviour raised Bond's suspicion and he pulled his gun to make her stay on yacht. Sir Ivor's girlfriend grabbed Bond's hand to stop him from threatening Scuba Girl, who used that moment to jump back in the sea. Bond jumped after her, one moment before yacht exploded, killing all people onboard. Bond is knocked-out by a shockwave and thus prevented to catch Scuba Girl. It became obvious that she planted a time bomb to the bottom of the yacht before she was hooked, hence her haste to leave before explosion. He was rescued and, after surviving attempt on his life in Nassau hospital (see Nurse (James Bond)), gradually collects clues that led him in the lair of Miss Magda Mather, AKA Big Mamma.
After entering into Big Mamma's headquarters (using a false identity and pretence, see this article ) he is left alone in one room for the moment, and Scuba Girl opened the door, surprised to see him. She tried to leave but he grabbed her by her wrist. She pulled out a small knife, so he knocked her down using uppercut. He lifted unconscious girl and hid her behind a curtain, moment before Big Mamma entered.
Next time we meet Scuba Girl when Big Mamma sent her to Paris in another assassination mission. Girl meets Mister Vizard, another businessman who refused to sell his shares to Big Mamma, in his castle when he was holding a masked ball (she invited her after she told him on a phone that she have an information about "She Unlimited"). She came wearing a Zorro-like mask on her face and she was received in his office. She pulled her gun and shoot him in the chest, killing him instantly, with "compliments of Big Mamma". She then jumped from the window using a makeshift parachute and escaped.
We meet her again in the final act, when Bond and Vizard's daughter are caught and pulled inside Big Mamma's Sea Dragon. Scuba Girl is present by Big Mamma's side, keeping her gun on Bond and Miss Wizard while Big Mamma was giving them a tour around her dragon-like vessel. At one moment, Bond suddenly karate-chopped Big Mamma and then knocked down Scuba Girl for the second time, this time with a right hook, and took her gun and escaped. After his escape, Bond attacked back and seriously damaged the Dragon, making Big Mamma and three of her girls (Scuba Girl, pilot and copilot of the dragon) trying to escape with miss Vizard as a hostage. Because escape pod had a room for only two, Big Mamma left her girls inside the dragon, shooting one who tried to resist her (not Scuba Girl). After Big Mamma left with miss Vizard in a pod, Bond attacked her hanging from a crane and hit her in the head with wrench. Collapsing, Big Mamma pressed a button on pod's control board, activating dragon's self-destructive mechanism. Dragon was destroyed in explosion, and all aboard are killed, including Scuba Girl.
Attractive woman, probably in her mid 20s, with dark bob haircut, Roman nose and a stunning pair of breasts (among most beautiful ever drawn by Horak). Save the instance of her visit to Mr Vizard, she is seen either topless or wearing a fully transparent dress, revealing that she wears nothing underneath but pair of panties. She obviously has no problem showing her luscious breasts around all the time, just like Big Mamma herself, which is in apparent accord with their adherence to the cult of Magna Mater, fertility goddess.
It is apparent that she is a woman of great physical strength and fitness, as evidenced by the fact that she is diving far from the shore carrying scuba tank on her naked body, and by her dangerous jump from the tower of Mister Vizard's castle. Despite that, she is easily defeated by Bond twice.
A handgun. Time bomb. A knife.
She is merciless and ruthless murderer, as evidenced by cold blood killing of number of people as described above. We don't get any information about her background, but it is obvious she is blindly obedient to Big Mamma, readily going around the world and killing on her orders.
EvilBabes Unfiltered[]
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