Queen Grimhilde, better known as The Evil Queen is the main antagonist of Disney's first full-length feature film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. She was voiced by Lucille de Verne.
Grimhilde is the second wife and widow of Snow White's father, the King. She is jealous of Snow White's beauty and decides to have her killed after her magic mirror tells her that Snow White is "The Fairest in the Land". She orders her Huntsman to kill Snow White, but the Huntsman can't go through with it, and he tells Snow White the truth about her stepmother, saying she's mad and jealous of her and will stop at nothing. He then tells her to run away and never return. The Huntsman gives the Queen the heart of a pig, but she doesn't know she's been tricked until her magical mirror tells her. Outraged, she decides to go herself to the Dwarves' Cottage, and drinks a potion that transforms her from a young, very attractive, regally and unbearably beautiful and insanely queen into an ugly, old peddler woman. She then creates a poisoned apple potion and then sets takes a rowboat to the Dwarves' Cottage.
Snow White forgets the Dwarves' warning about the Queen being "a sly one and full of magic" and not to let anyone in the house and lets the disguised Queen inside. The forest animals run to the diamond mines to get the Dwarves, and they see the disguised Queen leaving their home and they chase after her up a mountain during a thunderstorm. Trapped on the top of a mountain, the disguised Queen tries to use a stick to get a rock to crush the Dwarves, but lightning strikes where she's standing and she falls into a gulf and is killed.