The Female Villains Wiki

Priscilla (Jodi Balfour) was the villainess from "Nightmare Inn," episode 1.05 of The Haunting Hour (airdate January 8, 2011). She was one of the caretakers of the Night Time Inn Hotel, along with Caleb, and she invited Jillian and her mother to stay at the hotel for a few days.

The next day, Priscilla then noticed Jillian talking to Caleb and told Jillian to stay away from him because he was dangerous, but Jillian told her that she doesn't need anyone to look after her because she can look after herself. Later on, Jillian was in Priscilla's room and found her silver necklace, but also caught Priscilla and Caleb talking about her and the necklace and was almost caught by Priscilla.

Priscilla's warnings about Caleb were proven to be true, when Caleb suddenly turns into a werewolf under the full moon and goes after Jillian, who went to Priscilla for help. At that moment, however, Priscilla turned heel and snarled that Jillian was hers, and later revealed herself as a werewolf by displaying glowing red eyes. Later on, the evil Priscilla transformed into a werewolf and fought Caleb before both of them went after Jillian. Another werewolf (possibly Jillian's father) suddenly appears and saves Jillian by killing both Priscilla and Caleb.


  • Priscilla is The Haunting Hour's first villainess.

