Poison is a secondary antagonist in "Serial Killers", the third season two episode of the animated adult swim show "Mr. Pickles". She is voiced by Vivica A. Fox.
Poison is one of four serial killers who escape from a prison bus after fellow killer "The Cannibal" creates a deadly diversion. Free to continue her crimes, Poison sets her sights on Mr. Bojenkins and attempts to poison him. However, while the man is turned away, Mr. Pickles appears behind her and breaks her neck. The canine protagonist then drags her corpse off to put it with the rest of the killers who he has already dispatched.
- Vivica A. Fox also appeared in the 2014 film Mercenaries as the evil Raven, and is perhaps most widely known for playing evil assassin Vernita Green in the Kill Bill series.
All alone, Poison asks Bojenkins to turn around so that she can slip into "nothing" more comfortable...