Muujo is one of the three main antagonists in the Japanese anime television series, Zenderman, which appeared from 1979-1980. The series consisted of 52 episodes. Zenderman is part of the "Time Bokan" series. Each one of these shows have the same general plot. A hero or group of heroes are competing with antagonists for a precious item. The antagonists always work for a secret evil cult or organization and antagonists are always lead by a beautiful but vain woman.
The plot of Zenderman follows a similar structure for every episode. The villains are usually humiliated twice in each episode. The first time they are humiliated by being defeated by the protagonists, in the process Muujo as well as the other antagonists may lose their clothing or get electrocuted. Then their vehicle will explode in a ridiculously over the top way as the protagonists cheer on.
After the initial humiliation/explosion the antagonists are seen standing before the "forfeit machine." The forfeit machine chooses the antagonist that was most to blame for the groups failure and punishes that member. Often times Muujo is chosen. Among her punishments for failure are to have her body inflated, forced labor, spanking or other ridiculous punishments involving spikes and robots.
In the last episode, she turns into a little girl. The explosion throws her on a log, which is carried away by the current on the river is unknown where. At the same time, the "good guys" do not make any attempts to save this little girl, although they see what has become of her. It is not known what awaits her downstream, but the chances of survival in such a situation are low.
It is hard to believe that this was a Saturday morning cartoon in japan, the humor is very slapstick and the plot very simplistic and formulaic, but there are also a lot of sex jokes and nudity. Muujo is far from the only antagonist in the "Time Bokan" series to get this treatment.