The unnamed Murderous Brunette (Lucy Lan Luo) was the villainess of "Uneventful", a short horror film released by CryptTV (release date June 8, 2017). The film's opening showed the Asian brunette entering her friend's apartment, accompanied by her boyfriend, as the friend and her own lover went into another room to have sex.
But as the two were preparing to get intimate, the man tripped over the carpet and struck his head on the coffee table, killing him. The brunette and her boyfriend entered the room as the shocked woman picked up a bloodied vase, causing the two to believe that she'd murdered her lover.
As the man confronted the blonde-haired heroine, his girlfriend turned heel and struck him from behind with a bat, killing him and telling her horrified friend that they were "in this together". She then got an ax and proposed to her friend that they use it to dispose of their dead lovers, slapping the protagonist when she resisted her psychotic friend's plans. The woman then dragged her unwilling accomplice out of the room and had her watch in horror as she butchered the corpses, later having her friend help her bag the remains and throw them into a river.
Afterwards, the brunette murderer comforted her traumatized friend and the two had sex together, revealing that she'd carried a hidden flame for her (which most likely explained her reason for killing her boyfriend and her willingness to help her friend cover up her "crime"). Afterwards, the woman became irritated when she saw her friend/lover on her cell phone, possibly believing she was calling the police. As she stormed over to her, however, she tripped over the carpet and struck her head, killing her in the same manner as her friend's deceased lover. The blonde-haired woman (who had actually been calling to order pizza) proceeded to dispose of the crazed murderess in the same way she'd disposed of their lovers: chopping up her body and throwing the bagged remains into the river.