Misakihana is a minor villain in Kamen Rider Kabuto, the 2006 entry of the Kamen Rider franchise. She is a pupa Worm which briefly assumed the form of Yuzuki Misaki, who was herself adopting the alias of a supply teacher named "Misakihana" at the time. She appeared in episodes 37 and 38. Ultimately, "Misakihana" revealed her true form and attacked the real Misaki, presumably in an attempt to kill her, but was herself slain by Kamen Rider Kabuto.
Like the original Misaki, "Misakihana" is portrayed by Anna Nagata.
In the English dub, Misaki named herself "Miss Misakihara""
"Misakihana's" true form is the Salis, a green chrysalis-shaped Worm. Worms have the ability to molt, revealing a stronger form that can move at blinding speeds which comes from their high metabolism. It is later revealed that Worm do not need to naturally molt, and their "cast" can be broken off or shattered. They also have the ability to revert back into a Salis form if necessary. When a Worm is destroyed, it explodes into flames that share its predominant color.