Meta (Lisa Thornhill) was a minor antagonist in the 2003 episode "Oh My Goddess! Part 1" for the TV series "Charmed".
Meta was a Titan, a group of powerful god-like being that tyrannized the world in the time of Ancient Greece. They were entombed by the Elders after they imbued a group of mortals with the powers of the Gods to defeat them.
Upon being freed with her fellow Titans, Meta assisted Demitrius and Cronus to get revenge on the Elders. She had the ability to turn people into stone by looking into their eyes and could start fires when she was angry. She did this to Paige Matthews (Rose McGowan) and captured Sara (Channing Pourchot), a Whitelighter into stone. In the case of Sara, she was later destroyed, when Demeitrius later absorbed her powers, causing her statue to crumble.
Meta was charged with gathering Whitelighters, so they could use their power of Orbing to enter the Heavens. Meta was reluctant to free Cronus, as she feared his wrath and wanted to rule the world with Demitrius.
Meta was killed by Cronus after he was freed, for exposing their plans to the Charmed Ones and thereby, the rest of the magical community.