The Female Villains Wiki

Margo (Julie Mond) was the hidden villainess of the 2016 Lifetime film Seduced. She was the lover of conman Gavin and helped Gavin in his scheme at stealing money from the women he seduced. While her womanizing lover took care of securing the money, Margo covered their tracks by murdering all the women once they were done with them.

After his latest lover Caroline uncovered Gavin's secret and approached Margo at the house she shared with him, Margo put on an act that she had also been oblivious to Gavin's true nature and worked along with Caroline to find evidence to use against him to go to the police with. During this time, she murders a college student who Gavin had begun to seduce. Gavin was eventually arrested for his crimes, which appear to include Margo's murder when they find that the bathtub is covered in her blood. In actuality, Margo cut herself in the tub and used the blood to frame Gavin for her "murder".

Margo's official villainous reveal came when Caroline returned to the house (having grown suspicious) and found the living Margo there, who is at first giddy and claims to Caroline that they had won. She also said she forgave her for sleeping with Gavin even though they had made a deal not to, revealing how she and Gavin had been working together for some time now and how she had even helped Gavin find and seduce Caroline. Caroline tried to leave, but Margo stopped her, saying that (unlike her other victims) she had connected with Caroline, possibly implying that she had grown romantically attracted to Caroline. She then revealed that she framed Gavin for breaking her heart and driving her to contemplate suicide. Caroline splashed wine in Margo's face and tried to leave, but Margo attacked her and began to strangle her. But Caroline defeated her by slashing Margo's throat with a shard from a wine bottle Margo had broken earlier, killing her.

