The Female Villains Wiki

Lorelai (Kathleen Barr) is the main villain of the 2006 Korean-Canadian movie Polly World. She is a greedy and envious woman who conquers the heart of wealthy businessman John Pocket and try to fend off his daughter Polly of his life. When Polly knows she's already dating her father and having future wedding plans. Even Lorelai is presented sympathising Polly, but she felt strange about Lorelai, believing that she is not a good person. The truth about Lorelai is revealed later when Beth discovers that she is trying to get hold of John's wealth at the same time trying to create a plan to convince him to send Polly to a boarding school far from her dad. Upon learning that Lorelai is doing a plan against Polly, Beth offers to help her.

During the movie Lorelai manipulates Samuel into convincing to quit his job leaving Polly sad. Then she can manipulate John to send her daughter away from her mansion causing her to abandon her friends and her father.

She is unmasked at the end of the film by Beth's fault that accidentally makes confess his lies in front of the cameras during the show at the end of the contest doing John discover the whole truth and to redeem himself with his daughter.

