Lily Andrews (Ann Gillespie) was the hidden villainess from Diagnosis Murder episode 7.11, "Santa Claude" (airdate December 16, 1999). She was the best friend of Sharon Basevich, but ten years prior to the episode's events, she found out that her now ex-husband, Jonathan, was having an affair with Sharon. In a furious rage, the evil Lily killed Sharon, and later took possession of Sharon's earrings and kept them in a safe deposit box. Sharon's husband, Andrew, was falsely arrested for the murder, but escaped and became a janitor at Community General under the name Claude Campbell.
Lily was interrogated by Steve Sloan in the episode, and she falsely claimed that she last saw Sharon at a country club two days prior to her murder. She also claimed that she was home on the night of the murder because a storm kept her from going to Sharon's. After Jonathan stated to Steve that Lily's story isn't true, Steve returned to Lily's home with a warrant to search her safe deposit box. Lily stated that she had to change her clothes, but in actuality, she grabbed a gun and committed suicide.