The Female Villains Wiki

Laura Dawson (Jenna Kanell) was a hidden villainess from "Viral," episode 4.05 of NCIS: New Orleans (airdate October 24, 2017). She was the wife of machinist Dave Dawson.


In the episode, the NCIS group was in pursuit of notorious assassin Hans Mattis, with Sebastian Lund pursuing Mattis after he spotted Sebastian's badge. After hearing gunshots from an alley, Chris LaSalle, Tammy Gregorio, and Sonja Percy rushed to the area and found that Sebastian had shot who he thought was Mattis, only for the deceased to be revealed as Dave Dawson. Laura appeared and expressed horror over her husband's death, and continued grieving as his body was taken away the next day.

Sebastian's statement that the shooting was in self defense appeared to be unproven when no gun was found at the scene, leading to Sebastian being investigated by Raymond Isler. Dwayne Pride and the rest of the group investigated the Dawsons, who were introduced as tourists from Texas on vacation, figuring that Dave was connected to Mattis somehow. Their investigation inside the house saw them enter too late to get Mattis, but it was LaSalle who found Laura dead in their bathroom.


Deceased Laura Dawson

Laura after being killed by Hans Mattis

It was concluded that Mattis killed Laura, with LaSalle stating that the murder confirms Pride's suspicion that Dave was connected to him. It was later officially revealed that not only was Dave connected to Mattis, but Laura was as well, with Laura's posthumous reveal as a villainess coming after Sebastian and Pride's re-investigation into the scene. Sebastian revealed that Dave's gun was air-powered with glass bullets, and it was also uncovered that Dave made the gun for Mattis, with the couple meeting Mattis to give him the weapon.

Sebastian's appearance served as an obstacle in the transaction, leading to Dave firing the gun at Sebastian before being fatally shot himself. Afterwards, the evil Laura took the gun from the scene, doing so not only to cover for her husband, but herself as well, while also leaving Sebastian to be accused of killing an innocent and unarmed man. Regarding her earlier appearance, Laura used her grief to cover up her villainous role, and it was revealed that her cause of death was a severed jugular, with Mattis killing her to tie up any loose ends.
