Laska (Carol Forman) leads a gang of spies and henchmen whose plans are thwarted by the protagonist and his team in the 1952 serial "The Miraculous Blackhawk: Freedom's Champion".
Laska is a foreign spy that is stealing the experimental super-fuel "Element-X". She is a member and leader of a gang of underworld henchmen. She reports to The Leader, a mystery man.
In the end Laska is captured and arrested by Blackhawk (Kirk Alyn). Blackhawk, was a World War II flying squadron leader and member of The International Brotherhood, a private flying investigative force.
- Carol Forman appeared as Queen Khana in the 1947 serial "Brick Bradford".
- Carol Forman appeared as Sombra , the Black Widow in the 1947 Republic serial "The Black Widow".
- Carol Forman appeared as The Spider Lady in the 1948 15-part black and white Columbia film serial "Superman".
- Carol Forman appeared as Nila in the 1949 12-part black and white Republic film serial "Federal Agents vs. Underworld, Inc."