A post-apocalyptic jungle prison for "undesirables" is the setting for ESCAPE 2000 (a.k.a. TURKEY SHOOT, a.k.a. BLOOD CAMP THATCHER)
Jennifer (Carmen Duncan) is one of the blood-thirsty V.I.P.s who are invited to hunt down escaped prisoners like animals, for sport.
An accomplished equestrienne, Jennifer pursues her foot-bound quarry on horseback, killing several men with her exploding crossbow bolts. A perverted lesbian, she delays killing a buxom blonde escapee until she has had her way with the girl.
The remaining escapees double-back and attack the camp headquarters, killing Jennifer and the other villains in suitably nasty fashion.
VIDEO: JENNIFER'S GRAPHIC DEMISE finale http://www.mediafire.com/file/7d2171cq21t88fq/TurkeyShoot-Escape2000_1982.wmv/file