Evil fairy ruler of the Twilight Realm in the Homelands.
The evil fairy from Sleeping Beauty. She appears in the Fairest story arc Wide Awake. She is the ruler of the Forest of Dire Blight, in the Homelands. Even though she was the one to actually cast the curse over Briar Rose, the Fables story arc War and Pieces and Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love implies that Frau Totenkinder was its creator.
n Fairest, Briar defeats Hadeon once and for all when the latter shows up to pick a fight with the Snow Queen - because Hadeon likes to pick a fight every century or so, to keep her tools honed. Hadeon nearly defeats Lumi, but Briar, wanting revenge for what Hadeon did to her as a baby, decides to take matters into her own hands. It is revealed that because Hadeon cast the curse on Briar Rose all those years ago, Briar has become immune to her magic. Briar defeats Hadeon with a few solid punches to the jaw. Her fairy godmothers turn Hadeon into a car that can travel to any world, and the spaces between worlds. The car has to serve one thousand times before it will revert to Hadeon. Briar uses the car to get back to Fabletown, before lending it to Bigby Wolf, who is searching for his lost cubs, Darien and Therese. When the car has been used nine hundred and ninety-nine times, Briar plans to take it to the junkyard and have Hadeon destroyed once and for all by Hadeon first appears was in comic Fairest #2 - Wide Awake, Chapter Two: Run!