Grinelda (Heidi von Beltz) is a villainess who appears in an episode of the TV series “Charlie's Angels" (Angels in the Backfield).
When one member of the Ducks female football team is attacked by masked bikers, her quarterback recruits the Angels to join the team and solve the mystery. Julia Smyth is the owner of the opposing team, the Panthers. The Ducks will face off against the favored rvial in one of the most important matches of their club history.
Grinelda is teammate of the Ducks and clearly the best player on the team. She takes pleasure in mocking Angel Kris Munroe during a training session and drags her down serveral times. Later in the ladies’ locker room Kris is being bullied by Grinelda who tries to pic a fight with the much smaller woman. Kelly Garrett quickly comes to aid of fellow Angel Kris. Kelly and Grinelda pair off and engage in the best female fight from the series. Mrs. Garrett has superior fighting skills to Grinelda and mops the floor of the shower with the furious amazon. The catfight culminating with Kelly holding Grinelda's face under a running shower head.
After learning that Grinelda and Julia Smyth are old college friends, the Angels venture that Grinelda must be sabotaging the Ducks by telling Julia all of their plays. The Angels change the game plan during the final match and they successfully foil Grinelda. The Ducks can beat the Panthers.