Cousin Mel (voiced by Michele Lee) is the main antagonist of the 2000 animated Christmas comedy musical adventure fantasy special "Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer". She’s mean, ruthless, taunting, dangerous, bad, greedy, murderous and evil. Her goal is to sell her grandmother’s store to Austin Bucks who’s the richest man in Cityville.
After her grandmother, Grandma Spankenheimer, refuses to sell her shop to Austin Bucks, Cousin Mel is outraged, desiring the cash that it would bring. When Grandma suffers the titular accident, Mel usurps ownership of the store and takes measures to ensure that she stays "missing". By the end of the special, she even goes so far as to incriminate Santa Claus himself, but has her plans foiled by her youngest cousin Jake. She’s then arrested and sent to prison.