Carol Berrera (Sofía Vergara) is a one-shot character from the 2016 episode "Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles" of the animated comedy show "The Simpsons".
Carol Berrera is a retired Air Force Sergeant who temporarily joins Springfield Elementary to teach the fourth grade class. For most of the episode, she is played as a neutral character who is mainly interested in educating. However, as she is introducing herself to the students, she reveals a morbid part of her personality. After flashing Milhouse Van Houten an admissive wink after he askes if she has ever "American Sniper'd" someone, Martin Prince follows up by asking how many hospitals she helped build. Ms. Berrera replies with a smile: "Negative three," indicating that she both had a hand in the humanitarian war crime and is also not at all remorseful for having done so.