The Bullies are the main antagonists of "The Gryphon's Solitude", which is the first chapter of the 2020 horror manga "Boku no Akumu no Oneesan" (僕と悪夢とおねえさん/"Me, the Nightmare, and Older Sister") by mangaka Fukui Takumi (タクミ フクイ).
The main character of the manga, a young boy named Shin, clutches a mysterious book wherever he goes, and has the unintentional ability to transform people with mental illness into monsters. Miki is the seventeen year old daughter of one of his mother's friends, and is also a tutor for his schoolwork.
One day, Shin notices Miki being harassed by a trio of girls, who then take her into a nearby warehouse. He follows them inside, and finds one of them them taking money from her wallet, another dumping the books out from her backpack, and the third pressing her foot against Miki's shoulder. When they finally spot Shin, the bullies start teasing him as well, causing Miki distress. The head bully tells Miki that she doesn't like seeing her so happy; that in fact, the memories she has of them abusing her brings her cheer like nothing else. She then shows the boy a video on her phone of them time they sprayed Miki with a hose and forced a dirty mop into her mouth while exclaiming that no one would ever want to have a baby with someone so filthy.
It is from these cruel acts that Shin transforms Miki into one of the monsters found inside of his book; the Gryphon. The monster stops two of the bullies as they try to escape and then burns them alive with its breath. It then does the same to the head bully. Once the three have been rendered to ash, Miki transforms back into a nude human - having no idea of what just took place.