The Female Villains Wiki

Anna Miller (Kiva Dawson) is the villainess of the pilot episode of Taxi Brooklyn (airdate June 25, 2014). She was the head of I.T. at a bank and the wife of Dominick Miller, a former cop who was fired for accepting bribes.

She and her boss, Steve Henderson, were approached by detective Cat Sullivan regarding a robbery at their bank, during which a security guard was killed and which was part of a string of deadly robberies. During the questioning, Anna claimed that their computers were infiltrated by Chinese hackers who had been targeting several American companies. But in actuality, Dominick was committing the robberies and Anna was aiding him in his plot, knowing when the businesses would be vulnerable and making the bank's computer system look hacked to cover her tracks.

Anna's villainous secret was first hinted at during the interrogation, when cab driver Leo Romba (who had been taken hostage during the robbery spree and was assisting Cat in the case) noticed how nervous she appeared. Cat soon after learned about Anna's connection to Dominick as they were surveying Dominick's next target: an armored truck. The robbery occurred before Cat would intervene, with Dominick's partner killing two guards. Cat later caught Anna and Dominick as they were attempting to flee their apartment, with Cat handcuffing Anna to the doorknob before pursuing Dominick, who was subdued by Leo. Anna and Dominick were both arrested (offscreen) for the robberies and murders.


  • Anna Miller was Taxi Brooklyn's first one-shot villainess.