The Female Villains Wiki

"At first I actually believed that it was a pig that slept in front of me on the ground. An animal that somehow had eluded the banalities of my old life and managed to end up at this forsaken and forgotten place. But then it rose, from crouch to standing, with its lifeless eyes nailed to my person. I ran, as I have so brutally learnt to do. My curiosity halted my escape after a few feet and I hid in a cabinet. The Pig moved like a predator – and I saw: a human body wearing a pig’s head as ornament. It walked by the cabinet and its snout was just a few inches away from me. I held my breath, aching for freedom. A sudden sound caught the pig’s attention and it walked away. But not without giving me a last, final glance, as if it wanted to inform me that I was given a second chance. I will not get a third.”

The Pig or Amanda Young is a character from the horror video game Dead by Daylight.

She is apart of the Saw chapter.


When John Kramer, better known as Jigsaw, planned for his son to be born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Pig, he wanted it to represent fertility and rebirth; a new beginning for him and his wife, and the start of a charmed life for his son. But that plan was shattered on the night that a junkie broke into his wife’s clinic, hoping to score.

After this event resulted in the death of his unborn son, John finally caught up with the junkie, making him his first test subject, and the Pig was changed forever too. It became a representation of the disease that was rotting John from the inside, a reminder that we are just meat unless we elevate ourselves by our actions, by grasping life from the jaws of death. The Pig became a vessel, an agent of Jigsaw, conveying the subjects to their test. For some of those who emerged victorious, the Pig could still be a rebirth, into their new lives as apprentices, even disciples, of Jigsaw.

That was the case for Amanda Young, a troubled soul, whose life had been a catalogue of harm, both to herself and those around her. That changed when she faced, and bested, Jigsaw’s test. Deciding her life was worth something, she became devoted to Jigsaw’s cause, ready to take over when cancer consumed him.

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But she became more dependant on John, her anguish at his impending death combining with a belief that their test subjects weren’t capable of saving themselves, of being reborn in the crucible of the games.

Seeing this, John presented her with another game, another chance to save herself, but Amanda let her rage and jealousy rule her actions. She failed the test and took a bullet as a consequence.

Bleeding out on the tiled floor, darkness engulfed Amanda’s vision, accompanied by a sound like creaking wood. Then she was in a forest, once more viewing the world through the eyes of a Pig. Trees surrounded her, their branches clawing at her from all sides. Waves of panic washed over her and she could hear her breath reverberating inside the mask.

Had she been damned, cursed to spend her days here, in this guise? Or maybe this was another test? Maybe she hadn’t failed at all? John always thought one step ahead of everyone else, planned for every eventuality, and he would never give up on her, surely?

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Jigsaw may have gone but he had passed her onto another. A being for whom she would be The Pig again.

Ultimately, she saw now that she had been right in the choices she had made. The time for games was over. There was no chance of redemption for any of them. They were meat, and meat was destined to die.

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Weapon: Hidden Blade[]

A razor-sharp blade, attached to a mechanical contraption that can conceal or extend it.

Power: Jigsaw's Baptism[]

"You will give everything to me, every cell in your body. The marks on your arms, they're from another life. We'll leave that life behind. When you walk down that corridor there is no turning back. Do you understand that?" — Jigsaw's Baptism

Forever devoted to her master's cause, she punished the ungrateful and the guilty with slyness and murderous puzzles. The Pig can move stealthily, dash in ambush attacks and put deadly Reverse Bear Traps on Survivors' heads.

Use the Secondary Power interaction to assume a crouching position. While crouching:

The Pig has no Terror Radius. Activate the attack interaction to dash and perform an ambush attack. Start the trial with 4 Reverse Bear Traps:

  • Reverse Bear Traps are put on Dying Survivors.
  • Reverse Bear Traps automatically sacrifice the Survivor when they trigger.
  • Reverse Bear Traps trigger automatically beyond the Exit Gates .
  • Reverse Bear Traps trigger once their timers expire.
  • Reverse Bear Traps timers start when a Generator is completed.
  • Survivors can free themselves from Reverse Bear Traps by searching Jigsaw Boxes found around the Map to find the correct Key..

Add-ons for Jigsaw's Baptism[]

Icon Name Stacks? Rarity Description
A modification to the Jigsaw Box: the lubricated parts make the search a more delicate exercise.

  • Slightly increases the Skill Check trigger odds when interacting with a Jigsaw Box.
Symbol of a broken way of life. Reminiscing about her past-self hardens her determination.

  • Slightly decreases the Ambush Attack miss cool-down.
The medical file of a cancerous man. Fills the reader with dread and recklessness.

  • Slightly decreases the Ambush Attack charging time.
Leather straps that hold fabric in place for nimbler movement.

  • Slightly decreases time it takes to crouch.
A recording of Jigsaw, explaining the game's rules to Amanda. Reminiscing about her past-self hardens her determination.

  • Slightly decreases the Ambush Attack charging time.
  • Slightly decreases the Ambush Attack miss cool-down.
A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap: sharp blades attached to the Trap's interior lacerate the victim with every movement.

  • Survivors caught in a Reverse Bear Trap suffer from the Hemorrhage Status Effect.
A modification to the Jigsaw Box: the addition of razor sharp wires makes it extra difficult and potentially painful to search them.

  • Moderately increases the Skill Check trigger odds when interacting with a Jigsaw Box.
A latched wooden box with a satin lining, offered as part of a last will.

  • Increases available Reverse Bear Traps by 1.
A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap: the heavy cloth face mask, laced with a sedative, partially suffocates the target, making it hard to concentrate.

  • Survivors caught in a Reverse Bear Trap suffer from the Blindness Status Effect.
  • Does not affect the Jigsaw Box highlight.
A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap: a poison that is not fatal, but weakens the body and makes it nearly impossible to recover fully from any effort.

  • Survivors caught in a Reverse Bear Trap suffer from the Exhausted Status Effect.
A modification to the Reverse Bear Trap: mouth spikes, covered with crusty and volatile rust spots that make injuries particularly difficult to heal.

  • Survivors caught in a Reverse Bear Trap suffer from the Mangled Status Effect.
A disturbing, yet brilliant, Trap design sketched in detail on a sheet of paper.

  • Increases available Jigsaw Boxes by 1.
  • Moderately increases the Reverse Bear Trap death timer.

NOTICE: In the game, this Add-on has its name switched with Jigsaw's Annotated Plan, this has been corrected on the Wiki.

A modification to the Jigsaw Box: the addition of interlocking razor blades makes it impossible to move suddenly in the Jigsaw Box without slitting one's wrists.

  • Tremendously increases the penalty of failed Skill Checks on Jigsaw Boxes.
A few mechanical parts that allow the creation of challenging Jigsaw Boxes and easier to install Reverse Bear Traps.

  • Slightly increases the time it takes Survivors to search a Jigsaw Box.
  • Slightly decreases the time it takes to put on a Reverse Bear Trap.
Very Rare
A timer that has been fiddled with. A spring in the mechanism forces the gears to turn faster.

  • Moderately reduces the Reverse Bear Trap death timer.
Very Rare
A disturbing, yet brilliant, Trap design laid down on paper and annotated by Jigsaw.

  • Increases available Jigsaw Boxes by 1.

NOTICE: In the game, this Add-on has its name switched with Jigsaw's Sketch, this has been corrected on the Wiki.

Very Rare
This collection of mechanical parts allows the creation of extra-challenging Jigsaw Boxes and Reverse Bear Traps that are easier to install.

  • Considerably increases the time it takes Survivors to search a Jigsaw Box.
  • Moderately decreases the time it takes to put the Reverse Bear Trap on a Survivor.
Very Rare
A black metal box containing a knife and various medical supplies, such as bandages and compresses. Deep cuts reduce stress and awaken the senses.

  • Disables The Pig's ability to see Jigsaw Boxes' Auras.
  • Gain a notification when a Survivor removes a Reverse Bear Trap.
  • Auras of Survivors removing a Reverse Bear Trap are revealed to you for 6 seconds.
Ultra Rare
Not all games need to have the same rules.

  • Disables the Survivors' ability to see Jigsaw Boxes highlighted until their Trap is activated.

"Listen, there are rules." — Jigsaw

Ultra Rare
A blackmailing Letter for the attention of Amanda. Fills the reader with rage and focus.

  • While crouched, see outlines of Survivors within 12 metres of range.
  • Reduces available Reverse Bear Traps by 3.
  • Reduces available Jigsaw Boxes by 2.

"Amanda, you were with Cecil the night Jill lost Gideon. You killed their child. You know it and I know it." — Amanda's Letter


Hangman's Trick[]

Your ingenious modifications to Hooks prevent tampering and permanent damage. Hooks destroyed by sabotage or sacrifices repair after a short moment. Gain a notification when someone starts Sabotaging the Hooks.


Unlocks potential in one's Aura reading ability. The last regressing generators' Auras are revealed to you.

Make your Choice[]

When a Survivor rescues another from a hook at least 24 meters away from the Killer, Make your Choice triggers and confronts the Survivor with a Skill Check. A failed Skill Check damages the rescuer.


There are currently 2 Achievements related to The Pig.

Icon Name Description
??? Adept Pig Achieve a merciless victory with The Pig using only her 3 Unique Perks
??? I Want To Play A Game With The Pig, put 125 Reverse Bear Traps on Survivors.


“No excuses, no equivocations... No crying.” - Amanda

“Are you gonna behave?” - Amanda

“You'd be surprised what tools can save a life.” - Amanda

“You will give everything to me, every cell in your body. The marks on your arms, they're from another life. We'll leave that life behind. When you walk down that corridor there is no turning back. Do you understand that?” - John
